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Losing loop when converting a heuristics net to a Petri net
I have a set of event logs which contain loops from the last activity to first activity, i.e. after running through a process basicallly the whole process is repeated again in the trace. This is nicely discovered by the heuristics miner, see the attached image of the heuristics net.
The problem occurcs when I convert the heuristics net to a Petri net, see attached image of Petri net.
Well, I still have a loop back to the beginning but it doesn't go between the last activity (ArtificialEnd) and the start activity (SetCurrentExam).
Any suggestions as to why this happens?
Hello!when I use the plugin (convert to petri net using regions) within prom6.11 to convert transition system(with options: not limit collection size, not limit transition size) . it does not output any thing and the processing continue run for ever. as it is shown in the attach of the screen shoot for the processing
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