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Abou difference between categories
I have a question about difference between categories. What is different between consignment and 2 way matching category? In both of them the invoice flag is false and receipt flag is true
Thank you
I have a question about difference between categories. What is different between consignment and 2 way matching category? In both of them the invoice flag is false and receipt flag is true
Thank you
sorry I made a mistake. What is different between consignment and 3-way matching, invoice before goods receipt? In both of them the invoice flag is false and receipt flag is true
Thank you
Consignment traces do not deal with any invoice, only with goods; as a consequence there is no invoicing, thus no invoice can be based on goods receipt (GR IV false).
You can consider it (the false flag) as a redundant information.
3 way Before traces deal with Goods and Invoices, the relation set by the flagging of GR IV/GR receipt ithta you can get an invoice before goods are receipt (GR IV false), but then you can only pay if you receive goods (receipt flag true).
Here the (flase flag) information is essential to look at the process.
Howdy, Stranger!
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