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I'm sorry for sending this message and bother you but i really can use your help.
You asked a question 4 years ago about how to combine a mxml and a wsmt file to get a SA-MXML one, here's the link to your question
I'm newbie to prom and process mining, i did a lot of research but i couldn't find what i need
i'm working on almost a similar project so could you if you can share with me some program examples.
Thank you so much and i apologize if my message disturb you.
Cordially.September 2015 Comment -
I guest you are from Iran.
Can I send you persian messages?September 2015 Comment-
AbsAmiriHi mate,
My parents original from Iran and am from Australian Iranian. Unfortunately my Farsi is not very good nevertheless I will give it ago if you prefer communicating in Farsi rather than English.
Abs Amir - Write a comment
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