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Waiting for response from Eric, so I can proceed submitting the plugin...February 2016 Comment
Trying to apply how process mining can be used for mining logs from media websites. Suggestions would be awesome.February 2016 Comment
Hai Mauro Gatti,
I am currently trying to apply the trace clustering approach of van der Aalst and Gunther to my dataset. However, I can't seem to find the trace clustering plugin at all in Prom. I am using the Prom 6.5.1 environment.
What is the plugin called specifically?
Kind regards,
Graciëla HoogendoornDecember 2015 Comment-
mauro.gattiI wish I knew but I don't. Generally speaking, I do not find enough information about the trace clustering plugins; not only the one you are mentioning.
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Hi Graciela,
the plugin I was mentioning in my post is "Cluster Traces Over Time Using Markov Clustering". This is not the one from van der Aalst and Gunther you are mentioning below. The objective looks to me very different. I suggest your trying it.
Best regards
Mauro GattiDecember 2015 Comment
Howdy, Stranger!