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Installation of ProM6.13

I download ProM 6.13 Windows with 64-bit JRE8 and then install it. After that, I click ProMPM613.bat but it stuck at that(see the pic) or click ProMPM613.exe but nothing happened(flash back). I want to know why and how to fix it.


  • joshbchs
    edited November 2023

    For how long have you waited in the console? Sometimes it takes a while until it opens the PM (espacially when you open it for the first time).

  • Thanks for reply, it takes a long time to launch the software, but it succeeds. By the way, is there a list of all the plugins in ProM and detailed instructions for their use? Most of the time, I can't match the paper to the corresponding plugin.

  • Hi,

    You can get a list of all plug-ins currently installed in ProM by running the "Show Package Overview"plug-in in ProM. Note that this list depends on the packages that you have actually installed. We do not have detailed instructions for their use, unless the developer him/herself provides this. At the moment, you may be able to find some documentation at, but this site will (unfortunately) go offline in the near future.

    Kind regards, Eric.

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