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convert to petri net using regions
when I use the plugin (convert to petri net using
regions) within prom6.11 to convert transition system(with options: not
limit collection size, not limit transition size) . it does not output
any thing and the processing continue run for ever. as it is shown in
the attach of the screen shoot for the processing

Hi @hameede ,Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have a look at ProM 5.2 for this purpose. ProM 5.2 contains the petrify tool which may just be able to do what you want. Or use petrify as a standalone tool. ProM 5.2 can export a transition system to a .sg (I believe) file, that can be imported by petrify. Petrify then does its thing and exports a Petri net file, which can be imported by ProM again. After having installed ProM 5.2, please look at the lib/plugins/Petrify folder for the tool. ProM 6 has no export to .sg files.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi @hameede,You can download ProM 5.2 with the sources from We do not have the sources publicly available in another way.Kind regards,Eric.
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