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Run 'Classify Test Log using Log Skeleton' in Prom 6.6
Hi, I only have ProM 6.6 installed in my PC and, currently, I'm in a position that installing ProM 6.8 is impossible due the user restriction by the IT admin.
Can I still be able to run 'Classify Test Log using Log Skeleton' plugin which available in ProM 6.8 in Prom 6.6? If yes, how to make this happen?
Your help would be much appreciated.
Can I still be able to run 'Classify Test Log using Log Skeleton' plugin which available in ProM 6.8 in Prom 6.6? If yes, how to make this happen?
Your help would be much appreciated.
Hi,You can do this by following the following steps:
- Download the file into the folder where you have installed ProM 6.6.
- Unzip the contents of that zip file into that same folder. That folder should now contain a file named LogSkeleton.jar.
- In the ProM66.bat file in that folder, change the class path (-classpath option) to "ProM66.jar;LogSkeleton.jar;ProM66_lib/*", that is, add the LogSkeleton.jar file to the class path.
- Run ProM 6.6 by running the ProM66.bat file. The plug-in should now be there. While starting, ProM 6.6 may issue some error message while scanning some jar files, but these messages can be recognized.
Kind regards,
Hi, This works for me too.
Thanks for your reply.
Howdy, Stranger!
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