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Event log
In Prom, how can I work with event log in the shape that usually present event log in process mining papers. I mean how I can feed the event log like 《 a, b, b, c》 ^ 6; 《a, b, e》 ^3. I know that Prom needs XES file but in a research paper I need to deal with the above shape of log and see the discovered model very fast.
Hi Mahdi,
XES files cannot contain traces with power.
The 《a, b, e》 ^3 can be transformed into 3 cases of 《a, b, e》 in a XES log.
An example is as follows.<log xes.version="1.0" xmlns="" xes.creator="Fluxicon Nitro"><trace><string key="concept:name" value="3"/><string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/><event><string key="concept:name" value="a"/><string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="a"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="b"/><string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="b"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="e"/><string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="e"/></event></trace><trace><string key="concept:name" value="2"/><string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/><event><string key="concept:name" value="a"/><string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="a"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="b"/><string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="b"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="e"/><string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="e"/></event></trace><trace><string key="concept:name" value="3"/><string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/><event><string key="concept:name" value="a"/><string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="a"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="b"/><string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="b"/></event><event><string key="concept:name" value="e"/><string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/><date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/><string key="Activity" value="e"/></event></trace>
</log>Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thank you so much Guangming,
You are right. XES doesnt have power. But my question is looking for a way to feed the log in this shape:
a, b, c, e 35
a,c,e 22
to Prom. I know that I can edit a XES file manually to make a log that is the same as the log I want to feed. But I am looking for a converter or something that does this conversion and give me a XES file. It seems that it is not developed yet!
Many thanks
To do so, you need to develop you own import plugin where you define your own log format. Then, implement a new convertor to transform you own format to a XES log.
Dear Mahdi,In the SLog package there is a plug-in called "Import Log from SimpleLog file", which builds an event log from a simple log file. The grammar for a simple log file is as follows:
log : trace+;
trace : numtraces? events;
events : event (COMMA event)* SEMICOLON ;
numtraces : INT;
event : ID;
COMMA : ',';
ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'-'|'_')*;
INT : [0-9]+;
NEWLINE : '\r'?'\n' -> skip ;
WS : (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r'|'\u000C')+ -> skip ;I guess for your example the file should look like follows:35 a, b, c, e;
22 a, c, e;The extension to use for a simple log file is ".slog".Hope this helps a bit,
Howdy, Stranger!
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