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Event log

edited August 2018 in ProM 6
In Prom, how can I work with event log in the shape that usually present event log in process mining papers. I mean how I can feed the event log like 《 a, b, b, c》 ^ 6; 《a, b, e》 ^3. I know that Prom needs XES file but in a research paper I need to deal with the above shape of log and see the discovered model very fast.


  • Hi Mahdi,

    XES files cannot contain traces with power.
    The 《a, b, e》 ^3 can be transformed into 3 cases of  《a, b, e》 in a XES log.
    An example is as follows.

    <log xes.version="1.0" xmlns="" xes.creator="Fluxicon Nitro">
    <string key="concept:name" value="3"/>
    <string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="a"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="a"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="b"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="b"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="e"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="e"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="2"/>
    <string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="a"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="a"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="b"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="b"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="e"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="e"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="3"/>
    <string key="creator" value="Fluxicon Nitro"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="a"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Pete"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T14:32:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="a"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="b"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Mike"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T15:06:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="b"/>
    <string key="concept:name" value="e"/>
    <string key="org:resource" value="Ellen"/>
    <date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-30T16:34:00.000+01:00"/>
    <string key="Activity" value="e"/>
    Guangming Li
    PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Thank you so much Guangming,
    You are right. XES doesnt have power. But my question is looking for a way to feed the log in this shape:
    a, b, c, e  35
    a,c,e  22
    to Prom. I know that I can edit a XES file manually to make a log that is the same as the log I want to feed. But I am looking for a converter or something that does this conversion and give me a XES file. It seems that it is not developed yet!

    Many thanks

  • To do so, you need to develop you own import plugin where you define your own log format. Then, implement a new convertor to transform you own format to a XES log.

  • Dear Mahdi,

    In the SLog package there is a plug-in called "Import Log from SimpleLog file", which builds an event log from a simple log file. The grammar for a simple log file is as follows:


    log        :    trace+;
    trace        :    numtraces? events;
    events        :    event (COMMA event)* SEMICOLON ;
    numtraces    :    INT;
    event        :    ID;

    COMMA        :    ',';
    SEMICOLON    :    ';';
    ID        :    ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'-'|'_')*;
    INT         :    [0-9]+;
    NEWLINE     :    '\r'?'\n' -> skip ;
    WS         :    (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r'|'\u000C')+ -> skip ;
    I guess for your example the file should look like follows:

    35 a, b, c, e;
    22 a, c, e;

    The extension to use for a simple log file is ".slog".

    Hope this helps a bit,

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