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I need IP adresses of update libraries
Hello all you guys;
I would like to use the Prom process mining program. But i need to clear some IT secure issues. However, I can not find answers to the following questions;
.Can we access the IP-web address and port information of the application's update addresses? (It will cover all the libraries required for the update.)
.Do the addresses from which updates get changed? If so, how often does it change?
I am very thankful if you can help. Thank you for your help already.
ProM uses a single URL for its package repository. For the nightly build, this URL is "", for the ProM 6.7 release this is "". This URL can be configured in the "ProM.ini" file that comes with ProM:#
By changing this URL in the "ProM.ini" file, you change the package repository where ProM updates its packages from.
# Specifies the URL to the default package repository
# (default is "")
The URLs for the releases do not change. For the ProM Nightly Build, the URL may change but typically does not. There is no reason to change it.
Note that the default URL uses port 80 by default, may you may decide to configure ProM to use a different port by adding it to the URL.
Kind regards,
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