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Why is Workshop loading all the packages?
I have installed "Workshop" package, adding necessary libraries together.
After removing all the reference errors, I have launched "ProM with UITopia (Workshop).launch".
It then starts to load all of the packages related with process mining, showing "[PMPackage] Retrieve icon for URL..." on the console.
Is there anyway that I do not load the packages?
Or did I install in some wrong way? (What is the proper way of installing Workshop package?)
Thank you,
I have installed "Workshop" package, adding necessary libraries together.
After removing all the reference errors, I have launched "ProM with UITopia (Workshop).launch".
It then starts to load all of the packages related with process mining, showing "[PMPackage] Retrieve icon for URL..." on the console.
Is there anyway that I do not load the packages?
Or did I install in some wrong way? (What is the proper way of installing Workshop package?)
Thank you,
Yes, there is a way. If you open the ProM.ini file in your favorite text editor, then you will see a line like follows:RELEASE_PACKAGE = RunnerUpPackages
This line tells ProM to install the package called "RunnerUpPackages", which also installs lots of other packages. If you do not want to do this, change "RunnerUpPackages" on this line to "Workshop". ProM will then only install the Workshop package.
Kind regards,
Dear Eric,
Thank you so much for the fast reply.
I have tried your suggestion, changing "RunnerUpPackages" to "Workshop" (though on my ProM.ini file, it shows "EstablishedPackages" instead of "RunnerUpPackages").
It then causes such error, "Cannot find release package defined in ProM.ini file: Workshop. Continuing to load ProM." How can I fix this problem?
Also, before showing the error message, I consistently get the console message, "Loading packages from".
Is there any way not to see all the console messages...?
Thank you for your help.
Dohyeon -
Dear Dohyeon,
Ah, that's right, the Workshop package is not part of the Nightly Build. Please then use the Log package instead:RELEASE_PACKAGE = Log
There is no easy way to get rid of these console messages other than redirecting stdout to some file, like adding " > message.log" to the command-line that starts ProM. For that, you need to edit the ProM.bat file:@java -Xmx8G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -classpath "%X%" -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djava.library.path=.//lib -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI > message.log
Kind regards,
Dear @hverbeek,
I have exchanged the code to, "RELEASE_PACKAGE = Log".
On the console, it prints that it starts to load all the regarding packages and downloading the "External Packages Required" on ProM UITopia Package Manager.
After loading an XES file on ProM UITopia, it only shows Log-related and Workshop-related packages.
It fixed the problem of loading all the unrelated packages as well as not showing the error message ("Cannot find release package defined in ProM.ini file: Workshop")
Thank your for your advice
I still have some more questions.
What is the "Nightly Build"? Also, what is "IvyDE"? I found out that those terms show quite often on this prom forum, but could not find what they are. If there are any regarding documents, I would like to have a look.
Thank you very much for your help.
Howdy, Stranger!
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