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Composite State Machine Miner (CSM) co-occurrence table export


Is it possible somehow to export the co-occurrence tables to for example a csv file?
Or do I need to dive into the source code?

Bart Vercoulen


  • Hi Bart,

    This is currently not possible. You can select a line and copy it (Ctrl-C) to a text file, but you cannot select multiple lines. You could modify the table selection mode in line 146 of org.processmining.csmminer.visualisation.MetricsPanel if you want to do so.


  • Hi Maikel,

    Thanks for the answer!

    I have one other issue: I have a state-based model without time where I retrieved a log from. When I use the CSM miner on this log, I click on an event in one perspective and see the state which co-occurs with confidence 1.00 in the other perspective. But the co-occurrence table is totally empty. Why is that?

  • Hi Maikel,

    I changed the table selection mode to Multiselection and that part works totally fine. But in the ProM instance I started from eclipse the visualization of the states are empty circles. There is no name or count in it.
    Do you have any idea what I did wrong here?

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