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removing Events from log

Hi everyone

I have a log and some pattern and I want to delete every occurrence of this pattern in the log. for example the log is [<a,b,c,d,e,f,g>,<a,c,d,c,d,e,g>,<a,c,c,b,c,e,e,g>] and the pattern is "d,e". The desirable log would be [<a,b,c,f,g>,<a,c,d,c,g>,<a,c,c,b,c,e,e,g>]. It is possible to check if a trace includes the pattern or not. But is there anyway for removing a special pattern or an event from a trace?

Any tip would be appreciated.


  • try 
    list.subList(from, to).clear<span>();
    </span> ;) <span>
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