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Plugin inductive visual miner
Please refer to this manual for inductive visual miner: Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi, I seem to have the same issue and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Granted it's been a while since the last time I used it last, and version 6.9 has come out in the mean time.
Other algorithms do show results, so I don't think I have created the XES incorrectly.
Seeing empty models like this is likely caused by the log not having completion events, but start events (the visual Miner only counts completion events, so it counts 0). If you generated your log from a CSV file in ProM, make sure to select the completion timestamp, not the start timestamp (or both).Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
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