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ILP-Based Process Discovery error

When I try to use the ILP-Based Process Discovery on the BPI-2013 Incident log, I get the following error during the task:

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.deckfour.xes.model.impl.XEventImpl cannot be cast to org.xeslite.external.XEventBareExternalImpl

Anyone an idea why and how to solve it?


  • Hi, this is a known error, and, will be fixed soon.
    In the meantime, please use the Naive XLog importer when importing your event log.
  • svzelst said:
    Hi, this is a known error, and, will be fixed soon.
    In the meantime, please use the Naive XLog importer when importing your event log.
    Thank you for your answer.

    Could you detail the process a bit more? I have no clue how I can do that to import the log. I'm using ProM 6.7 and want to feature the newest IPL in my thesis, but for that, I need to be able to actually use the plugin.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,

    Sorry for the late response.
    I am now fixing the bug.
    You can select what importer to use when importing a log, for the (unfixed) ILP version, use the Naive implementation.


  • Hi I cannot reproduce the error.
    What plugin are you using?
    Could you send me a detailed error message?
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