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Hi Joos,
do you maintain a bugtracker for XESame? Just found out that XESame saves changes only once after clicking the Save button. So further changes on the mapping, clicking on Save and closing XESame ends in loosing all latest modification.
As well I would expect that by loading a mapping into XESame and clicking on the Save button no Save-dialogue would popup but instead the mapping is saved straight away.
Just some thoughts. It is a nice tool! Keep on going ...
do you maintain a bugtracker for XESame? Just found out that XESame saves changes only once after clicking the Save button. So further changes on the mapping, clicking on Save and closing XESame ends in loosing all latest modification.
As well I would expect that by loading a mapping into XESame and clicking on the Save button no Save-dialogue would popup but instead the mapping is saved straight away.
Just some thoughts. It is a nice tool! Keep on going ...
Hi SunnyOZ,
I do, I use the ProM bugtracker where XESame is a component bugs can be reported for.
I have not experienced your first bug (not saving any more after the first click) but will try to look into it.
Regarding your second bug, I noticed but did not pay attention to it yet.
I will add them to the bugtracker.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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