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Analyze Transition System
Hi everybody,
I must do some "performance analysis" on the transition system attached below, using the plug-in "Analyze Transition System", and I don't understand the meaning of several stuffs. In particular, I have the following questions:
1) Why the states are colored in different ways? What the colors are meaning?
2) What are the percentages on the top of the screen (60%, 20%, 20%)?
3) What is the difference between the three types of timing (the combo box on the top-left)? I mean "sojourn" time, "elapsed" time and "remaining" time
Thank you in advance
I must do some "performance analysis" on the transition system attached below, using the plug-in "Analyze Transition System", and I don't understand the meaning of several stuffs. In particular, I have the following questions:
1) Why the states are colored in different ways? What the colors are meaning?
2) What are the percentages on the top of the screen (60%, 20%, 20%)?
3) What is the difference between the three types of timing (the combo box on the top-left)? I mean "sojourn" time, "elapsed" time and "remaining" time
Thank you in advance
Hi Talion,
Maybe these two papers can help:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
They are very helpful, thanks!
Hi,I have the similar questionWhat are the differences between service time, waiting time, elapsed time, remaining time and sojourn time. I can guess, but I am not sure about them.I tried to open the two given links, but those are not accessible for me.Would you please help me?Thanks in advance
Hi,Please use the following links instead:
(Wil van der Aalst has moved from TU Eindhoven to RWTH Aachen.)Kind regards,Eric.
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