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Challenge with Replayer.
I have modified an existing plugin that preforms conformance checking in order to suit my needs. however, sometimes when I run the conformance checker, I get un desired results ie my alignment to log only has moves on log. When I re-run, I get the correct results. ( all this is being done in eclipse) . Ive archived the package and am using it as a reference library in another application. the challenge is that am back to the undesired results mentioned earlier and I cant figure out the cause. Has anybody faced such a scenario? ope its clearely described anyway....!! . If so, any idea on how to resolve it? Am using a replayer that uses "PetrinetReplayerWithoutILP" algorithm.
This could be the case is the mapping between process model and event log is not correct, or if the process model has no path from initial marking to final marking.
Also, I highly recommend to use the version with ILP as it is much faster.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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