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Selected DPN-net does not define variables/guards. Alignment will not consider data!
Hi, i'm using prom 6,7 and after aply the plugin "Petri net with inductive Miner" i'm trying use it with "conformance Checking of DPN" but this message appear (Selected DPN-net does not define variables/guards. Alignment will not consider data!).
So, I don't know if the Fitness are ok.
I need some help, how can I check it?
So, I don't know if the Fitness are ok.
I need some help, how can I check it?
the petri net discovered using IM does not include data elements. Why using the "conformance Checking of DPN"? Simply trying the plugin "replay a log on petri net for comformance analysis".
Thanks CongLiu.
I will check the plugin "replay a log on petri net for comformance analysis". is this the better plugin in proM to check the conformance?
I tried using the "conformance Checking of DPN" because this plugin show a better view about the Average and Median Fitness, unfortunatly since the message that Alignment will not consider data! I'm a bit confused about what it actually does.
For example, to generate this image i used:
2- petri net with inductive miner to genereate de model;
2 -use the log.xes and run the "conformance Checking of DPN".
This look for a great view.
Could you indicate me the paper about this plugins?
I have forwarded your question to my colleague that developed this plugin.
Hi, thanks for using my plug-in
You can safely ignore the message.: it means that you Petri net does not define any guards or variables (so it is a plain Petri net and not a Data Petri net). Therefore, it will automatically revert to the alignment computation without data.
Actually, I will improve this warning message since it is not a reason for concern if you do not want any guards or variables in your Petri net.
Please use the newest version of the "conformance Checking of DPN" plug-in since there is a known bug wrt. to the fitness value computation in older versions. It does not compute the fitness correctly when there are unmapped events. In the current version of ProM, PromLite and the nightly builds this should be fixed. -
Hi guys,
I would llike to say thanks for your attention.
Thank you for notifying me of the version, I will download PromLite version.
Rosângela Oliveira -
I have used "Conformance Checking of DPN" successfully in ProM 6.7. Now, with ProM 6.8, it throws this exception:
Connection found: Connection labelled Connection between Petri net and Log, connecting org.processmining.models.connections.petrinets.EvClassLogPetrinetConnection@6532b2a1java.lang.NullPointerException
Is there anything that has changed?
Howdy, Stranger!
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