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How to run a plugin and get the results in the console of eclipse
Hello, Can you please help me to run this? I tried to run some codes of plugins like logAbstractions in Eclipse and I want to get the results in the console of eclipse not in ProM, so I deleted all the codes that launch the plug-in in ProM from the source file. After that, I tried to run the log abstraction but it's still launching the ProM.
Sorry if my question is basic.
Sorry if my question is basic.
Hi 'MD57',
There are several ways to run a plug-in, all plug-ins assume that ProM is available. And if you run the 'ProM LogAbstractions' mode, then ProM will launch using the current code in the LogAbstractions package.
Some plug-ins are available from Java directly, without the need to have ProM running. However, you need to write your own code, that calls the correct method of the plug-in. If you know where the plug-in definition is of the code that you want to use, then you can have a look and make sure all input objects are provided by your code. However, this is different per package, so you might want to contact the plug-in developer or have a look at the JavaDoc of the package.
Hope this helps!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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