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Standalone algorithm : run process mining algorithm without ProM GUI
We want to run the process mining algorithms, provided in ProM plugins, without the GUI. For example to create a batch process that will apply a conformance checking task on a set of traces, and to do this several time automatically.
What is the best way to retrieve a standalone version of the algorithms ? all the algorithms can be executed on command line ? they all can work without the GUI ?
Sorry if the question was already asked. I search on the forum, but did not found a clear answer...
Antoine Pigeau
We want to run the process mining algorithms, provided in ProM plugins, without the GUI. For example to create a batch process that will apply a conformance checking task on a set of traces, and to do this several time automatically.
What is the best way to retrieve a standalone version of the algorithms ? all the algorithms can be executed on command line ? they all can work without the GUI ?
Sorry if the question was already asked. I search on the forum, but did not found a clear answer...
Antoine Pigeau
Hi Antoine,
Unfortunately this highly depends on the individual algorithms.
Luckily you can inspect the code for each and find the method to call in your Java code.
Command line interaction also differs per plug-in, see other topics on this forum for more details.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Finally, we tested :
- to retrieve the jar files from ProM, in order to build a Java library for our standalone application. But it was a mess...we did not obtain the same result than with ProM (maybe due to an error on our side...), it is hard to retrieve all the libraries to include in our project, ...., some code must be updated to work without the GUI, ....we nevertheless succeed to provide the heuristic miner algorithm, the cvs to xes conversion, ....
- rapidMiner studio with the proM extension : the best solution that we found for now. It is easy to call a rapid miner process from the command line. (Just one point, the conversion of a CVS file to a XES file seems to be more difficult than with proM - for instance, all the options to define the activity field does not seem available...I hope I am wrong...).
Thanks for reporting back Antoine!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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