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Inductive Miner (IM, IMi), alpha ++ algorithm SOURCE CODE
This is for Inductive Miner
and Alpha++ is available
hope this will help.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you ^^ -
Is it possible to run these two algorithms in Eclipse or Visual
Could you please tell me how can I run these two algorithms in Eclipse?
Thank you -
I am quite sure that you can run them in Eclipse, but afraid not supported by VB.
To run it in Ecplipse, you need check-out them (the project source code) seperately from svn using the links given in the last post.
Thank you brother,
I will try to run the two links you gave me in Eclipse.
Hey guys,
Does some of you know how I can call the Inductive Miner through a command line? The project includes a command line .launch file seems to be outdated ( does not exist anymore??).
What I'm looking for is a script like the following:
org.processmining.plugins.InductiveMiner.plugins.IMProcessTree myTree = mine_process_tree_with_inductive_miner(myLog);
Any tips for me would be helpful!
Kind regards,
DStekel -
Nevermind, found the tutorial which explains how to use the inductive miner:
Thanks for reporting back!!! (and sorry for not answering your earlier question)
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
Howdy, Stranger!
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