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XESame and Derby
Hi there,
I was wondering if XESame can be directly connected to a derby database?
The settings I use work fine for SQirreL but seem to cause an authentication error in XESame.
A mapping extract of my connection:
<key class="string">username</key>
<value class="string">app</value>
<key class="string">password</key>
<value class="string">app</value>
<key class="string"></key>
<value class="string"></value>
<description>DEFAULT connection to an ODBC source, please change to your situation</description>
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks, SunnyOz
I was wondering if XESame can be directly connected to a derby database?
The settings I use work fine for SQirreL but seem to cause an authentication error in XESame.
A mapping extract of my connection:
<key class="string">username</key>
<value class="string">app</value>
<key class="string">password</key>
<value class="string">app</value>
<key class="string"></key>
<value class="string"></value>
<description>DEFAULT connection to an ODBC source, please change to your situation</description>
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks, SunnyOz
Dear SunnyOZ,
What you could try is to remove the properties 'username' and 'password' (just empty all fields) and put them in the URL which would then become something like:
jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/entityDB;user=jill;password=toFetchAPail (from this article)
Let me know if this works!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hey Joos, awesome! That works. Btw. I couldn't find any documentation about how to use XESame with other database interfaces but ODBC. Perhaps you should update your documentation.
Hey SunnyOz,
I'm glad to hear that it works.
XESame requires a JDBC connection to the datasource. Since all JDBC connections are set up in a similar way, sometimes to an ODBC connection using a JDBC-ODBC bridge, there is only one description necessary. Driver specific things are best found in their documentation.
I agree with you that XESame could use some more documentation but as you know, bug fixing and feature extension has a higher priority.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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