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Fuzzy Miner Ordering of Activities
When mining using the fuzzy miner how is the order of the activities determined? Specifically I was expecting the most common start activities to appear at the top of the model (i.e. top of the page in the visualisation) and the most common end activities at the bottom, so that the flow is from top to bottom of the visualisation, but this does not appear to be the case. Do I need to define the order somehow?
When mining using the fuzzy miner how is the order of the activities determined? Specifically I was expecting the most common start activities to appear at the top of the model (i.e. top of the page in the visualisation) and the most common end activities at the bottom, so that the flow is from top to bottom of the visualisation, but this does not appear to be the case. Do I need to define the order somehow?
In general, it will do as you expect, but it uses a standard layout algorithm to create a layout for the fuzzy instance. If loops are present, then this layout attempts to minimize the number of arcs that go up (instead of down, which is preferred). As a result of this, activities may be ordered in an odd way.
There is no way to influence the layout algorithm.
Kind regards,
OK, many thanks for the reply
Howdy, Stranger!
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