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Algorithm for Petri Nets with multiple source/sink places
as I am new to the field of Process Mining (as part of my master thesis) I am looking for an algorithm that discovers Petri Nets with multiple source / sink places (therefore NOT a WF-Net). I did not yet find anything suitable for that, a simple algorithm would be sufficient (like the alpha algorithm, which, as far as I know, always produces a WF-Net with one source and one sink place) Does anybody know an algorithm for that?
Thanks in Advance,
as I am new to the field of Process Mining (as part of my master thesis) I am looking for an algorithm that discovers Petri Nets with multiple source / sink places (therefore NOT a WF-Net). I did not yet find anything suitable for that, a simple algorithm would be sufficient (like the alpha algorithm, which, as far as I know, always produces a WF-Net with one source and one sink place) Does anybody know an algorithm for that?
Thanks in Advance,
Dear Matthias,
I'm not quite sure why you want to do this, might have something to do with the open workflow nets, but there are discovery algorithms in ProM 6 that may result in a net that has multiple sources and multiple sinks. If you run, for example, the "Discover using Decomposition" plug-in, you can select a number of existing discovery algorithms that will then be run in a decomposed way. As a result, you may get multiple source places and multiple sink places. As said, not quite sure whether this is what you want.
I guess the top place may represent message?
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