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Invoking inductive visual miner using CLI
Hi guys,
Thank you for responding to my previous queries. I had a question about invoking a plugin through command line.
I am trying to invoke inductive visual miner using the command line and I am using below 2 functions:
1) mine_with_inductive_visual_miner(XLog) -> InductiveVisualMinerLauncher
2) inductive_visual_miner(InductiveVisualMinerLauncher, ProMCanceller) -> JComponent
what value should I substitute in the place of ProMCanceller while invoking it?
Please find attached my code and error. Thanks alot, I look forward to hear from you.
Thank you for responding to my previous queries. I had a question about invoking a plugin through command line.
I am trying to invoke inductive visual miner using the command line and I am using below 2 functions:
1) mine_with_inductive_visual_miner(XLog) -> InductiveVisualMinerLauncher
2) inductive_visual_miner(InductiveVisualMinerLauncher, ProMCanceller) -> JComponent
what value should I substitute in the place of ProMCanceller while invoking it?
Please find attached my code and error. Thanks alot, I look forward to hear from you.
Hi Priyanka,
For a ProMCanceller, you can provide this:
new ProMCanceller() {
public boolean isCancelled() {
return false;
which will simply never cancel.
Sander Leemans
Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner -
Hi Sander,
Thank you for responding. I tried what you suggested, but it doesn't work for me. I am trying to invoke inductive visual miner using command line interface, just wanted to make sure if that's possible?
Thanks, I look forward to hear from you.
-Priyanka -
Dear Priyanka, have you tried binding the proposed new ProMCanceller to a variable in the script and then using that variable as an argument for the Inductive Visual Miner?
Hi Dirk,
I have attached my code for your review. Since I am a beginner, Please suggest me in case I am going wrong anywhere. Thanks alot. I look forward to hear from you.
-Priyanka -
Hi Priyanka,
I have come across a similar issue as you mentioned above. Did you find the solution? Could you please share your approach here?
Thank you and regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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