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Web based process mining

edited April 2017 in Research

To discover knowledge from executing processes, data scientist, researchers, or business managers engage in painstaking activities that take significant time to complete. This is inconsistent with the dynamic business environment within which businesses operate today. There is therefore a need for automated, online, web-based process analysis and monitoring. This will allow for process analysis on the go. Is this possible? Are they work done in this areas already? Let's discuss this please.


  • Dear,

    There is work in this direction, see for example the PhD thesis of Elham Ramezani (see

    Personally, I don't see why this should be web-based, but let's not start a war on that :-).

    Kind regards,


  • apehjnr
    edited April 2017
    @hverbeek , thanks for your thought. We will not war :wink: 
    but just want to understand why you think that the desktop approach to process modeling is better than the web-based approach. I need to understand your reasoning. And thanks for the thesis shared.

    Many thanks,

  • sjjleemans
    edited May 2017
    Dear Jonathan,

    ProM is a software platform developed and maintained by researchers. Its intention is to enable researchers to implement, test, showcase state-of-the-art process mining techniques and make them available to end users.

    Excellent automated, online, web-based process analysis and monitoring tools are provided by several companies, such as Celonis, Fluxicon and Lexmark. These companies can provide support and live integration with operational systems of organisations.

    Kind regards,

    Sander Leemans
    Assistant Processor (Lecturer) at Queensland University of Technology
    Author of the visual Miner and Inductive Miner
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