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ProM 6 PlugIn Status
Dear Roberto,
We have a PhD working on issues related to ConformanceChecking and PerformanceChecking, but he will not port the existing ProM 5.2 functionality to ProM 6. Instead, he will create new plug-ins based on his own research. As an example, his replayer (that matches a Petri net with a log trace) is much more advanced than the one that existed in ProM 5.2, especially where silent transitions or duplicated labels are involved. At some point in time, he will create a conformance checker and a performance checker based on this new replayer, but this might take some time.
Of course you're more than welcome if you want to port the ProM 5.2 plug-ins to ProM 6, but this might not be as straightforward as it sounds. In ProM 5.2, the GUI is mixed up with the actual logic of the plug-ins (plug-ins know that there is a GUI and they often misuse this), whereas in ProM 6 these two should be strictly separated. Please let me know if you need additional details on this.
Kind regards,
Eric Verbeek.
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