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Process Analysis in online setting

Hello Everyone, I will like to know if there is any research work done on the analysis of processes in an online setting yet. If there is, kindly share links to paper, etc.


  • Hi,

    I would like to recommend some work on streaming and database process mining from my colleague.
    See and


  • Thanks Cong. I will have a look and revert.  :)
  • Hello Cong, I checked the links shared. From the 1st link, I saw 2 relevant articles:
    1. "Online Discovery of Cooperative Structures in Business Processes" [but for sale so I could only read the abstract] and 2. "Data streams in ProM 6 _a single-node architecture".
    The 2nd link also, I could access- it describes work done on improving memory utilization and scalability.  
    While 1 and 2 touches on the use of live stream events in ProM, I am considering a web based online process analysis. I will appreciate your thoughts on this.
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