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Quality dimensions: precision and generalization
I want to compute generalization value but I don't know what is the best algorithm to use.
I compute fitness by using on ProM “Partial Aware Replay” plug-in of Lu and precision by using “Check Precision based on Align-ETConformance” plug-in of Munoz-Gama. Unfortunately, when I try to use “Measure Precision/Generalization” of Adriansyah plug-in to calculate precision and generalization values, it doesn't give me any result.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I want to compute generalization value but I don't know what is the best algorithm to use.
I compute fitness by using on ProM “Partial Aware Replay” plug-in of Lu and precision by using “Check Precision based on Align-ETConformance” plug-in of Munoz-Gama. Unfortunately, when I try to use “Measure Precision/Generalization” of Adriansyah plug-in to calculate precision and generalization values, it doesn't give me any result.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Dear Elisa,
Thanks for your question.
The plug-in “Measure Precision/Generalization” of Adriansyah needs a log, a petri net and an alignment as input. I discovered a model from an input log using the plugin "Mine Petri net with Inductive Miner" and created an alignment using the plugin "Replay a log on Petri Net for Conformance Analysis". Then with the input log, the discovered model and the created alignment as input, the plugin “Measure Precision/Generalization” works well.
If you have more questions, please let me know.Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks for your reply and for your help. I'll try to use the plugin "Replay a log on Petri Net for conformance analysis", before using the plugin "Measure Precision/Generalization".
Furthermore, i wonder if it is possible to evaluate quality dimensions (fitness, precision, generalization and simplicity) of the Fuzzy model obtained from Fuzzy Miner or to convert the Fuzzy model to a Petri Net.
Thanks again for the help
Hi Elisa,
Since the Fuzzy model does not have semantics (e.g. a choice between two activities is modeled in the same way as two activities in parallel) a translation is not possible. Therefore the four quality dimensions are also not defined for Fuzzy models.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks for your suggestions.
I would need more information.
How are precision and generalization values calculated by the plug-in "Measure Precision/Generalization" ? Is there any papers available on this subject?
Are there any alternative plug-in available on ProM to calculate generalization and precision values?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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