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Good BPMN to Petri net conversion plugin

edited January 2017 in ProM5
 I want to convert BPMN2.0 file to the petri net file. I have tried following plugins.
1) R.Guanciale, G.Spagnolo 
2) Raffaele Conforti
3) D. Fahland
4) A. Kalenkova, D. Fahland
It would be great if you could have worked on the same problem and if you could help me.



  • Dear Chetan,

    What is now your question? How can we help?

    Kind regards,

  • Dear Chetan,

    I got an answer from a BPMN expert for ProM, which is

    "If you have a BPMN model without data I would recommend your to run plugin 3) D. Fahland. If you need to convert BPMN model with data, then run 4) A. Kalenkova, D. Fahland." 

    I hope it is helpful to your question. If your have more questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Guangming Li
    PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Thanks for your answer. However, I have tried all of the 4 plugins. They work for small BPMN diagram but fails for bigger BPMN diagram. Moreover, It doesn't show any kind of error(if any I would have marked it over here). So could you please suggest one good plugin so that I can convert the BPMN diagram to the Petri net format. 
  • Where can I download plugins 3 and 4?

  • kfgz087
    edited February 2018
    Dear rccruz,

    In ProM (, you can find plugin 3 ("Convert BPMN diagram to Petri net (control-flow)") and plugin 4 ("Convert BPMN diagram to Data Petri net"). The source codes are also available at
    Guangming Li
    PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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