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Differencegraph with HeuristicsNet does nothing
I have created 2 heuristics nets with similar data (different samples from the same population) using the package Mine for a Heuristics Net using Heuristics Miner. When I attempt to use these to create a difference graph, the wizard fails to appear and an empty result appears in the workspace. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Here is what appears in the command line:
Start plug-in Differencegraph from HeuristicsNets
End plug-in Differencegraph from HeuristicsNets, took 30 milliseconds
Hi nzack,
Thanks for your question. I already sent you question to the author of the plugin. I think he will answer the question ASAP.Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thank you!
Howdy, Stranger!
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