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ProM screen shots, citations, licensing
I understand that ProM itself is licensed under L-GPL while the various plugins may have different licenses. Unfortunately I am not well-versed in the area of software licenses. Is it generally permissible to use screen shots of ProM itself and of models mined with the various plugins in a scientific publication, given proper attribution (which leads to a follow-up: Is there a preferred reference to cite when referring to ProM in general? I've been going with
I understand that ProM itself is licensed under L-GPL while the various plugins may have different licenses. Unfortunately I am not well-versed in the area of software licenses. Is it generally permissible to use screen shots of ProM itself and of models mined with the various plugins in a scientific publication, given proper attribution (which leads to a follow-up: Is there a preferred reference to cite when referring to ProM in general? I've been going with
@InProceedings{VanDongen2005, Title = {The ProM framework: A new era in process mining tool support}, Author = {Van Dongen, Boudewijn F and de Medeiros, Ana Karla A and Verbeek, HMW and Weijters, AJMM and Van Der Aalst, Wil MP}, Booktitle = {International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets}, Year = {2005}, Organization = {Springer}, Pages = {444--454}, Owner = {djr}, Timestamp = {2016.11.16} }
so far. I take it that citing the accompanying papers for individual plugins is the usual way to go?).
Hi 'djr',
Thanks for your question and for carefully considering licenses and citations.
You are free to create and use screenshots in your work. Citing the corresponding algorithm is much preffered (citations is our 'scientific reward').
REgarding the best ProM 6 citation, I would recommend not to use the citation you mention as it is outdated. Please cite one of the following:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Excellent, thanks!
Howdy, Stranger!
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