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How to create an empty / silent transition
Dear community,
I wrote my own process discovery algorithm called uncertainty marker that can be found in the current Runnerup package, in which I want to add an empty/silent/unobserved transition. I did so by just adding a transition with the label "-" and colored it black.
Unfortunately that result in some issues when I try to measure the quality of the resulting model in conformance checking. Is there a way to add a real empty transition that really allows skipping ?
Best regards,
I wrote my own process discovery algorithm called uncertainty marker that can be found in the current Runnerup package, in which I want to add an empty/silent/unobserved transition. I did so by just adding a transition with the label "-" and colored it black.
Unfortunately that result in some issues when I try to measure the quality of the resulting model in conformance checking. Is there a way to add a real empty transition that really allows skipping ?
Best regards,
Hi Oliver,
I just asked quickly and there should be a 'setInvisible(true)' method on a transition instance. So no need to 'hack' with '-' and colors
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
thank you very much for the fast and useful reply.
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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