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Log file classification
I have a log file in MXML format, I need to classify it according to the value of one attribute. There are 7 unique values for this attribute.
So, is there a plug-in that I can use for such a classification problem. Or maybe to export the process instances corresponding to one attribute value??
Best regards,
Update Joos: removed announcement status and move to correct category
Update Joos: removed announcement status and move to correct category
Dear Nour,
At the moment, there is no plug-in that will split your log into 7 logs, where every log contains all process instances corresponding to some possible value of the attribute.
In ProM 5.2, you could use the "Attribute value filter" (which is an Advanced filter) to filter for the proces sinstances that correspond to some value. By running this filter 7 times on the oriignal log (once for every possible value), you could split the log into 7 logs.
In the latest version of ProM 6, you should be able to use the Transition System Miner, provided that the value of the attribute is used as a classifier:
- In the Configure key classifiers section, select "Select key data attributes" and deselect everything else.
- In the Configure key data attributes, select the attribute you're after.
As a result, you should get a transition system with 8 states: an initial state where the attribute does no have a value yet, and a state for every possible value set for the attribute. If you select one of these 7 states, you can create a log containing those process instances that correspond to the selected state by selecting "Filter log" at the bottom of the dialog.
In ProM 6.0, there would be two buttons at the bottom of the transition system, one button containing "All", the other one containing "Any" instead of the "Filter log" popup. Selecting either button should also give you the filtered log.
I hope this helps,
Eric Verbeek.
Dear Ericthank you for your answer,I have already tried the "Attribute value filter" but it did not work, I ended up with one case in the filtered file!!Please notice that this is not the first time that I have this problem with this filter, previously I used it to filter another log file, it worked with the event attributed but not the trace attributes.I will try to solve it using your other suggestion in ProM 6 and see what are the results. I hope it will work this timeBest regards,Nour
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