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Cloning/Copying a Petri Net
Dear Community,
I try to copy a Petri Net into another object before I manipulate the copy. However, since a normal assertion in Java
obj1 = obj2 is not a real copy but just a copy of the reference, both objects point to the same petri net.
I tried using deepCopying, but it didn't work since the Petrinet object does not implement Serializable.
I also tried clone, but a clone mehtod shouldn't be used and is not visible.
Do you have any idea what else to try? Otherwise I will try to copy it variable after variable by calling the constructor and filling the new object with the values of the old one.
Best regards,
I try to copy a Petri Net into another object before I manipulate the copy. However, since a normal assertion in Java
obj1 = obj2 is not a real copy but just a copy of the reference, both objects point to the same petri net.
I tried using deepCopying, but it didn't work since the Petrinet object does not implement Serializable.
I also tried clone, but a clone mehtod shouldn't be used and is not visible.
Do you have any idea what else to try? Otherwise I will try to copy it variable after variable by calling the constructor and filling the new object with the values of the old one.
Best regards,
I'm not aware of a Petrinet copy constructor or similar. There are conversion plug-ins between DataPetriNet and Petrinet in the DataPetriNet package. You could use those to do a 3-way conversion PN->DPN->PN and you get your cloned PN.
If you program the copy method for PN yourself, please share it. We should put it in the Petrinets package imho.
Dear Oliver,
You can use a line like follows:Petrinet clonedNet = PetrinetFactory.clonePetrinet(net, map);
WithMap<DirectedGraphElement, DirectedGraphElement> map
Where map is optional.
Kind regards,
Dear Mr. Mannardt, Dear Eric,
thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it a lot!
Best regards,
hverbeek said:Dear Oliver,
You can use a line like follows:Petrinet clonedNet = PetrinetFactory.clonePetrinet(net, map);
WithMap<DirectedGraphElement, DirectedGraphElement> map
Where map is optional.
Kind regards,
for further readers: optional means overloaded method here, so you can use the method without the second parameter. Do not invoke it with null for the second parameter, as it will result in a NullPointerException
Kind regards,
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