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State of art alignment plugin
Dear all,
I am interested in the use of model-log alignments. I was wondering what the state of the art for this is (alignment based just on control-flow), both in terms of papers published as well as with respect to the package that provides the latest algorithm to construct such alignments. Is this still the A* algorithm? The AStarReplayer package appears to be empty.
Any input is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
I am interested in the use of model-log alignments. I was wondering what the state of the art for this is (alignment based just on control-flow), both in terms of papers published as well as with respect to the package that provides the latest algorithm to construct such alignments. Is this still the A* algorithm? The AStarReplayer package appears to be empty.
Any input is much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Hi Han,
You can easily see which package a plug-in belongs to in ProM. If you load an event log and a Petri net in ProM (say ProM lite 1.1), and search for 'replay a log on Petri net...' you see the code is contained in the PNetReplayer package.
And of course all the details can be found in the PhD thesis of Arya
@bfvdonge is actively working on alignments still, so keep an eye on his publications.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
Thanks a lot for the prompt response! That all seems clear to me.
Howdy, Stranger!
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