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What's the difference between the HeuristicsMiners in ProM 5.2 and 6.6?


I've recently started using ProM and I noticed the models generated by the HeuristicsMiner in ProM 5.2 and 6.6 are different. I was wondering if any could explain why this occurs. 

A few more questions:
Is it possible to export the heuristics model in ProM 6.6?
The export to disk button is grayed out for me.

Is there any documentation on the heuristics file format that is generated in ProM 5.2?
It seems to be a one-off, but some of the symbols are a bit difficult to interpret. 


  • From what I saw while looking at both implementations, the HM in ProM 6.6 is the Flexible Heuristic Miner (more recent version described in the paper with the same name) and in ProM 5.2 it is the original Heuristic Miner.
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