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Documentation is vague
in ProM 6
I want to know more about how to tune the parameters in Fuzzy miner (and many other models as well). Is this the correct place to go? Fuzzy.pdf
The problem is that it does not mention anything in detail about how to change settings, tune the model, improve results, etc. The model I got from this is much worse than what I get from DISCO (I know what the true model is). My question is where to find more detailed documentation on tuning the model so I can improve the result. The question is really not just about Fuzzy miner but about all other packages as well.
The problem is that it does not mention anything in detail about how to change settings, tune the model, improve results, etc. The model I got from this is much worse than what I get from DISCO (I know what the true model is). My question is where to find more detailed documentation on tuning the model so I can improve the result. The question is really not just about Fuzzy miner but about all other packages as well.
Dear Daniel,
The documentation directory that you found is in most cases the best/only documentation we have of a plug-in. Note that for all 'established' packages documentation is present, in more or less detail.
In this particular case, the following page might contain useful information:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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