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is there a straight forward way to run a plug in using Eclipse without lunching Prom every time?
I'm trying to develop a plugin in Prom using Eclipse and
I'm wondering should I run the local Prom every time to see how my plugin works even for a small change? I assume there is a simple way to run my plugin using Eclipse rather run Prom each time !
please do advice me if any one know ..
I'm trying to develop a plugin in Prom using Eclipse and
I'm wondering should I run the local Prom every time to see how my plugin works even for a small change? I assume there is a simple way to run my plugin using Eclipse rather run Prom each time !
please do advice me if any one know ..
You can run ProM in debug mode from within Eclipse. Code changes in methods of your plugin then are hot-swapped by the JIT compiler of the JVM. Though changes to the class structure (changed method signatures/member/imports) requires a restart. To launch in Debug mode, just right-click on the launch configuration of your ProM package and select "Debug as..."
thank you dfahland ,
can you elaborate more on debug configuration ?
if my plugin needs a log as input file where should I assign the file ?
I apologies if my question is very basic but I'm new plugin developer .
thank you again .
by the way, I can't click on yes for this question below your post "Did this answer the question? Yes · No"
the link is broken .
Dear Amirah,
If you run your plug-in from Eclipse in debug mode then ProM will start as usual, but will now also include the code of your plug-in. So you can use your plug-in from ProM, and hence first load an event log in ProM as usual.
If your plug-in does not appear in ProM check the @plugin annotations and check that your defined input/output definitions match your function signature.
BTW in Eclipse there should be a run/debug configuration added, as mentioned by Dirk Fahland, you should use this when launching your plug-in (which launches ProM including your plug-in).
Hope this explains how to run your plug-in in ProM from Eclipse
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
thank you for your reply.
I know this way that you mentioned but I thought there is another faster way especially if I want to see the changes in my methods. lunching Prom each time and loading the log I think consumes a lot of time .
thanks again Joos.
Hi Amirah,
If you run Eclipse in debug mode, and did not change anything related to the annotations ('@Plugin'), method signatures or adding/removing methods/classes then you don't need to relaunch ProM every time. Saved changes in the code are directly incorporated in ProM. give it a try
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
thank you for your patience
I think I have problem in lunching debug mode . it shows ' source not found' even after adding my java project 'workshop' in source path .
any advice please,
thank you very much .
Amirah -
Dear Amirah,
Did you follow the steps as described here?
Following these, you should not encounter the issue you mention.
If you persist in having this issue, could you please add some screenshots on the relevant screens, this will help me locate the cause quicker.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
thank you very much. I removed the workshop folder and reinstall it again .
it works now I don't know what was the problem exactly but really many thanks.
Howdy, Stranger!
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