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How to use the trace alignment plugin /its output AlignmentFrame?
Dear Community,
currently I try to run the plugin Trace Alignment of R.P Jagadeesh Chandah JC Bose.
I only get an output object of type alignmentFrame, but I am not able to open it/ to see the results.
I tried it with different logs and different versions of Prom(1.1 Lite doesn't contain it, 6.5.1 as well as my local version in my own plugin development repository).
Any help regarding this plugin is highly appreciated,
I guess it will also help many other users facing this problem.
Is this the only plugin in ProM for Trace Alignment?
I didn't find another one.
Best regards,
currently I try to run the plugin Trace Alignment of R.P Jagadeesh Chandah JC Bose.
I only get an output object of type alignmentFrame, but I am not able to open it/ to see the results.
I tried it with different logs and different versions of Prom(1.1 Lite doesn't contain it, 6.5.1 as well as my local version in my own plugin development repository).
Any help regarding this plugin is highly appreciated,
I guess it will also help many other users facing this problem.
Is this the only plugin in ProM for Trace Alignment?
I didn't find another one.
Best regards,
Dear Oliver,
I asked a colleague who used JC's plug-ins recently. She confirms that the plug-in might not be visible in the public release. If you check out the code of the package in Eclipse, and then run that it should work.
Unfortunately JC left our group some years ago so much knowledge has disappeared since.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
thank you very much for the fast answer!
I'll try this and will post my findings here in the thread.
Best regards,
Dear Joos,
the plugin is visible in the 6.51and the 6.6 version, as well as in the downloaded package version of "traceAlignment".
It is also applicable and returns an object of type alignmentFrame.
But there is no way to WATCH THE RESULT, and their is only one video documentation from the original author, in which it is immediatly producing a visible output. As the framework has nearly 500 lines of code and plenty of classes it is difficult to find this issue by myself.
If I am right this plugin is a very important part of ProM, isn't it?
So it should work somehow.
Do you have another idea how I can get this running?
Dear Ollyseus,
This would mean that there is no visualizer (a class with the '@Visualizer' annotation and a method taking the object and returning a JPanel) available.
If you look through the code for methods using the AlignmetnFrame Java object you might find something.
Sorry we cannot help you further, we have too much code and too few researchers to know every package inside-out.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
no problem, meanwhile I figured out how to use the plugin.
It worked for me after using it in version ProM 6.5 with an XLog in mxml format. This can be generated by using the ProM Import - Tool.
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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