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How to make a transition invisible if it gets clicked?

Hello everyone,

I have an enhanced petri net as shown in the picture that contains transitions which are automatically generated from data by a learning model. However, since the confidence sometimes not much better for the best class as for the alternative (the second best one) I want to show them to the user like in the picture.

Because it can get somewhat crowded with bigger models, I want to change the color of the transition Standing, and I want to hide the transitions below if the user clicks on the standing transition.

I read that their is no controller component in ProM, but if I click on a transition it changes its color, so there might be something like an OnClickListener.

Do you have any guidance for me?

Thank you very much,



  • Hi Ollyseus,

    I would look into the JGraph library that (if I recall correctly) is used in the Petri net visualizer. These should have hooks for onClick events etc.
    Hope this helps.
    Joos Buijs

    Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
    Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Dear Joos,

    thank you very much for your reply!

    I will have a look into that later and will report here if I found something useful.

    Currently it is much more important for my project success to get the trace alignment plugin of Jagadeesh Chandrah Bose up and running.

    I posted here two days ago, but nobody was able to help me yet. Do you have any idea? Thank you so much for the support.

    Best regards,

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