Installation issue - proxy - No packages were found, Please check your internet connection
I have seen a few posts on proxy issues when installing proM on corporate PCs, but I haven't found obvious solution for this?issue.
Seems most people have tried this troubleshooting guide, but seems nobody can get it to work. In my case I basically add -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
to all the config files including ProM66.bat, ProM66.I4j.ini, ProMPM66.bat, ProMPM66.I4j.ini. I tried to launch by exe or bat. None of them worked. I'm pretty sure is the correct proxy, as I have used it for other applications.
I'm wondering if anyone has found a definite solution to this issue. Any help would be appreciated!
After talking to our network/technology team, it seems important to know the actual IP address that the proMPM is trying to reach, so we can determine if the company firewall is blocking the IP address.
To confirm, is proMPM trying to download package from this site ? If it does, does anyone know the exact IP address of the site?
Thank you!
Although configurable, ProM typically downloads its packages from, which has IP address
Please have a look at the line containing PACKAGE_URL in the ProM.ini file. This points to the master package file. For ProM 6.6, this should read likePACKAGE_URL =
Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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