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Installation of RunnerUp package with a non admin user behind the corporate firewall
System Details:
Operating System: Windows 7
Version of tool: ProM 6.4.1
Plugin: RunnerUp Package
Installed Location: C:\Program Files\prom_6.4.1\ProM641.jar
While installation of the Runnerup plugin I am not provided with the option of installation for the Admin/ Installation for all users of the system. Hence, the plugins get installed under the location C:\Users\Administrator\.ProM641\packages but not in the location C:\Users\<User_ID>\.ProM641\packages. As a result I am able to use the libraries only with admin login but find the libraries to be 'Not Installed' in the <User_ID> login. How can I explicitly provide 'C:\Users\<User_ID>\.ProM641\packages' as the path of installation of the RunnerUp Package?
System Details:
Operating System: Windows 7
Version of tool: ProM 6.4.1
Plugin: RunnerUp Package
Installed Location: C:\Program Files\prom_6.4.1\ProM641.jar
While installation of the Runnerup plugin I am not provided with the option of installation for the Admin/ Installation for all users of the system. Hence, the plugins get installed under the location C:\Users\Administrator\.ProM641\packages but not in the location C:\Users\<User_ID>\.ProM641\packages. As a result I am able to use the libraries only with admin login but find the libraries to be 'Not Installed' in the <User_ID> login. How can I explicitly provide 'C:\Users\<User_ID>\.ProM641\packages' as the path of installation of the RunnerUp Package?
Hello Anindita,
You can do this by editing the ProM.ini file. This file contains the following snippet:#
# The prom user folder is NOT relative to the
# prom installation folder. The (default is empty, in
# which case the OS handles the location)
This line controls the folder where the packages will be downloaded to. By default, on Windows, this will be the user folder of the current user. For exnaple you could change this snippet to:#
# The prom user folder is NOT relative to the
# prom installation folder. The (default is empty, in
# which case the OS handles the location)
Note the dot on the last line. This causes ProM to download all packages to the current folder, which is typically the folder where you have installed ProM. This should work for you.
Kind regards,
Hi Eric,
System Settings:
1) JDK 1.7.0_45 installed
2) Site unblocked by the corporate proxy
3) Statement:
java -da -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dhttp.proxyHost=<Proxy IP> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<Proxy Port><User_ID><User_Passwd> -classpath ProM641.jar -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI
added in the file ProM641.bat
4) Statement:
"<JDK Installation Path>\java" -ea -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dhttp.proxyHost=<Proxy IP> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<Proxy Port><User_ID><User_Passwd> -classpath ProM641.jar -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.packagemanager.PMFrame
added in the files ProM641PM.bat and ProM641.l4j
I thank you for the suggestion provided. I am trying to replace the
in the ProM.ini file
This statement however interrupts the connection with the Proxy and I am repeatedly get the message. "No packages were found.Please check the internet connection" while launching the ProM641PM.bat program to check the installed plugins.
I am surprised how these two could be related.
Anindita Bhowmik -
Dear Anindita,
By changing that one line, you have changed the folder where the packages are downloaded to, and where ProM looks for the downloaded packages. As no packages have been downloaded yet to the folder, ProM finds no packages.
What you need to do now is to first run the ProM Package Manager by running the ProM641PM.bat file. In the Package Manager, select "RunnerUpPackages", and then the install button. This will install all required packages into the new folder. When done, you can close the Package Manager and start ProM as usual.
ProM only installs all required packages automatically when run for the first time (or when another version of ProM was run last).
Kind regards,
Hi Eric, I thank you for the suggestions provided. The message "No packages were found.Please check the internet connection" is followed by a blank tab window of the 'Non installed' tab, a blank 'Up to date' tab and a blank 'Out of Date' tab in the package manager GUI. On the first installation with the admin rights the Proxy interruption had earlier caused the same scenario where the packages to be installed could not even be viewed in the 'Not Installed Tab". Once, the proxy connection was sorted out the packages could be viwed in the "Not installed" tab and the "Install" button on the right could be seen. Now with the replacement of the line: PROM_USER_FOLDER = with PROM_USER_FOLDER = . the situation has come back to the point where the packages could not be viwed in the "Not installed" tab. Is there some other method other than the ProM641PM.bat GUI to proceed with this installation of the packages under the same folder structure C:\Users? This time however the installation is expected to happen in C:\Users\\.ProM641\packages along with C:\Users\Administrator\.ProM641\packages? Regards, Anindita Bhowmik
Hi Eric, I figured this was due to the fact that I had entered: "\java" -ea -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -classpath ProM641.jar -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.packagemanager.PMFrame as the wrong statement in ProM641PM.bat. The right statement was java -ea -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -classpath ProM641.jar org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.packagemanager.PMFrame Regards, Anindita Bhowmik
Dear Anindita,
Thank you for your comments.
Can we conclude that ProM works correctly now?
Minor note: we are currently at version 6.5.1. and ProM lite so you might want to update to these versions. ProM lite is a new version with less plug-ins but those that are there are better tested.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi JBuijs, I haven't been able to use the ProM plugins after the installation. I wanted to use the CSV to XES converter but figured I need 6.5 version of the tool for that. Do I need to completely uninstall 6.4.1 version and re install 6.5 or there is a cleaner way to upgrade to 6.5 from 6.4.1 ? Thanks for your Support, Anindita Bhowmik
Hi JBuijs, Also, I have a question regarding whether I could contribute to user guides and documentations on how to use the ProM tools? If yes what would be the right way for that. Regards, Anindita Bhowmik
Hi Anindita,
Regarding the upgrade: the best way is to uninstall 6.4.1 and install 6.5.1a. We keep versions separate since in scientific publications we need to be able to say that the version discussed in the paper is available in ProM 6.x. So there is no continuous upgrade process, but each version is a new installation.
User manual contribution would be very much appreciated. I would need to discuss with my colleague (Eric Verbeek) next week on how to facilitate this best. Thanks for your offer to contribute!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Anindita,
I discussed this with my colleague and the best way would be that you send us documents that you created, or changed from the original, for us to verify and upload (with author reference of course).
We are looking forward to your (and others') contributions!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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