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Process Mining Costs
Does anybody have any experience with mining costs of events and using f.i. the modules: basic cost report, enriched cost report, annotate log with costs, calculate event log execution costs, cost for cost type report, cost for driver report, cost for trace and cost type report, cost for trace report, cost visualization.
Are there user guides for these modules?
What input do they require? If I feed a XES with <cost:amount> or <cost:total> elements, nothing happens. And some modules require cost structure templates. Where do I find these?
It would be great if someone would help me with this.
Jos van der Heijden
Are there user guides for these modules?
What input do they require? If I feed a XES with <cost:amount> or <cost:total> elements, nothing happens. And some modules require cost structure templates. Where do I find these?
It would be great if someone would help me with this.
Jos van der Heijden
Hi everyone,
I have the same problem as Jos. I don't know how to say to ProM that I have a variable such as amount and cost. I tried to write what Jos wrote in my XES file (<cost:amount> as a float), but I get the same results as him.
Does anyone faced this problem and managed it ?
Howdy, Stranger!
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