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How do the clusters in Fuzzy Miner relate to the actual events from the logs
I tried to analyze a real-life hospital log -
Attached is the extent to which I could simplify the model. However, I am not clear on how do I relate the clusters to the actual events in the log ? The simplified model just shows me the Cluster numbers. Clicking on clusters in ProM 5.2 could show the cluster contents but I could not do this in ProM 6.4.1.
Any suggestions ?
I tried to analyze a real-life hospital log -
Attached is the extent to which I could simplify the model. However, I am not clear on how do I relate the clusters to the actual events in the log ? The simplified model just shows me the Cluster numbers. Clicking on clusters in ProM 5.2 could show the cluster contents but I could not do this in ProM 6.4.1.
Any suggestions ?
My mistake, after double clicking on the cluster couple of times, it does show the contents of the cluster. Nice !!
Howdy, Stranger!
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