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Why does Alpha algorithm return better fitness than Heuristic and Genetic Miner ?
I trying to work on the first set of
Using ProM 6.4.1, I created the Process models for Alpha, Heuristic and Genetic. Why is it that the fitness of Alpha is better than the other two. Please find my findings below.
I trying to work on the first set of
Using ProM 6.4.1, I created the Process models for Alpha, Heuristic and Genetic. Why is it that the fitness of Alpha is better than the other two. Please find my findings below.
Dear Shital,
The Alpha miner is 'lucky' in this example. See also the paper we wrote that uses this event log
or, if you really want, my PhD thesis (Chapter 6 if I recall correctly)
In general the Alpha miner is not robust to incompleteness and/or noise. The other algorithms try to handle these, but as you have seen have other issues. Note that the perfect discovery algorithm does not exist (yet)
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks Joos
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