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New forum section: Research
In this new forum section I suggest we discuss ongoing research, papers, and anything else related to the research side of process mining 

Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
Great addition to the forum. I will make sure to open some topics in the case questions arise from papers which I am reading.
I am a student and currently writing my thesis. The subject of the thesis will be process mining, the current title, which is approved by my university is: Does the analysis tool of process mining improve the auditor controls on the detection of anomalies?
I have data to research it, and I am planning to focus my research on assurance engagements other than financial statements. This to be more focused on processes recognition within meta logs. I am really anxious to know what your tips or addition would be for such a subject.
Kind regards,
Hello Everyone, I will like to know if there is any research work done on the analysis of processes in an online setting yet. If there is, kindly share links to paper, etc.
see my answer in another thread.
Hello everyone,
I'm a phd student at Istanbul Technical University at Department of Industrial Engineering. I want to study on process mining. I finished Prof. Aalst's book and MOOC. In my university (even in Turkey) there is no professor studying on process mining. For that reason, I try to research a topic for my thesis by reading articles. Unfortunately, I could not decide yet. Is there anyone who would like to study with me? I need a person who directs and gives advices me? I'm helpless. -
Hi Onur,
Thanks for your comment.
It seems you've started the right way with the book and the MOOC.
Unfortunately, giving advice on a PhD thesis direction is hard to do remotely. We can maybe assist with concrete 'lower level' questions, but determining a PhD direction etc. is maybe a bit too much.
I suggest you review the recent articles, find a gap in the existing work that fits your expertise and/or interests, and start working on it. Once you get going, you'll see more issues than you can solve, and by presenting your work in the right venues, you'll attract interesting feedback and open up collaboration opportunities.
Good luck with your PhD, it's a fun journey!!!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hello all. I am a Ph.D. student in Brazil, and I am working on business process drift detection. By now I am studying the approaches already developed on this topic, and I am trying to simulate these approaches. In fact, I am having some trouble to find some datasets used on some of the papers. The authors comment that the datasets are synthetic logs publicly available within the website, but I didn't find them (names: a12f0n00, a22f0n00, a32f0n00, and a42f0n00). I think maybe it is because the papers using these datasets are a little bit old (2010-2012). If anyone could help me finding the dataset I will be very thankful.
Hi Denise,You can find the logs at For more information on this data set, please see the following paper:Maruster, L., Weijters, A.J.M.M., van der Aalst, W.M.P. and van den Bosch, A. (2006) A rule-based approach for process discovery: dealing with noise and imbalance in process logs. Data Min. Knowl. Discov., 13, 67–87.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you very much!
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