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Prom6 Linux and Alpha Algorithm
After some days of investigation using Prom5 I'm trying Prom6, but I've some problem to follow the tutorial.
I report the details of my actions:
Prom version used: release 6.0-all-platforms
Host: Linux Debian 64 bit
1) Import a log (repairExample.xes)
2) Select the log and click on the Action button
In the list of actions there is not alpha-algorithm
I've installed using the Package Manager the BPM2010 metapackage
I'm not shure is alpha-algorithm is implemented by the AlphaMiner plugin.
AlphaMiner is reported as "up to date" in the Package Manager"
Edit Joos: moved to the correct category
Dear guancio,
The Alpha-algorithm action is implemented by the AlphaMiner plug-in.
Note that the list of actions is first sorted on the action types (interactive vs. batch), and that Alpha-algorithm action is a batch action. Please type "Alpha" in the Search box, and check whether any action remains in the list (in my case, only the Alpha-algorithm action remains).
Kind regards,
Eric. -
Dear Eric,I've already tried to insert Alpha in the search filter, but it leaves me with an empty list of available actions (both filters interactive and bath are toggled).I attach the log of stdout of ProM and the packages.xml file (renamed to .txt since the forum does not allow me to attach xml files)Kind regardsRoberto Guanciale
Dear Roberto,
First of all my apologies for my late reply.
The three views are 'connected'. So if you select an object in the left-most view and go to the action view (in the middle) then you see only those actions you can perform on the selected object, which you also see in the left-hand column.
See for example where 'exercise1.xes' is the selected file and the possible actions are presented in the middle column.
Can you check that you have either nothing selected in the leftmost column or that the selection is an event log (e.g. a file with the extension .xes or .mxml)?
Please let us know.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos
I checked with both (no object) / log in the input column but the Alpha algorithm is not available,
To provide more details i have no object in the input column only the following plugins are available:
* Add Missing Events
* BPM 2010 Release
* Declare Miner
* Declare to LTL
* Genetic Miner
* Genetic Miner - from initial population
* Guide Tree Miner
* LTL Checker
* MDH Miner
* Sample Based Genetic Miner
* Signature Discovery
* Simple Log filter
* TestBed
* TraceAlignment
* Workload Analysis
* Dotted Chart Analysis
Following the same installing procedure I have no problem on a Windows XP Virtual Machine.
Roberto Guanciale -
Dear Pachf,
Thank you for your feedback.
Reading the run.log file you uploaded earlier the Alpha miner plug-in should be available since it is loaded from the cache.
When I have nothing selected all the plug-ins, including the Alpha miner, are shown as possible actions.
I will ask around here if there are any known issues on Linux.
By the way, is it a 32 or 64 bit version of linux?
Hope to get back to you tomorrow.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Roberto,
This is a hard problem for us, as we are not able to reproduce it. So we're fishing into deep water here, please be patient with us...
Possibly there could be a possible with the way ProM caches which classes contain plug-ins. On Linux, this cache should be located in the file ~/.java/.userPrefs/org.processmining/framework/plugins/impl/prefs.xml. Could you please remove this file (if possible), and then try again? If this does not help, at least we know that there is no porblem with this caching mechanism.
Many thanks in advance,
Howdy, Stranger!
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