Connecting Prom to a Database table
Appreciate your help and support.
Hi AbsAmiri,
The XESAme toolkit ( provides som basic JDBC components. This toolkit is mainly designed for the purpose of extracting event logs from non-event log data sources. Thus, in what way it supports your goal I am not sure.
Alternatively an effort has been made to store event logs using a relational data store. I am not completely sure of the status of this particular work, though If you are interested, I can ask the developers about it.
We are also working on a streaming framework within ProM. It basically allows for handling streaming data in a standardized manner. A first draft of this code was presented at the BPM conference last year ( I recently picked up development of the framework again. It does not yet support any JDBC, though it might be more suitable for the real time analysis you are looking for. I am currently also developing a stream based version of the Inductive Miner.
In any case I am very interested in helping you further (possibly by using the streaming framework). Maybe we can have a more detailed discussion via email / skype.
kind regards,
(Phd. at Wil van der Aalst's AIS group)
Thanks Bas. I have sent you a detailed email re my question.
Looking forward to your cooperations.
Howdy, Stranger!
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