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Connecting Prom to a Database table

edited July 2015 in ProM 6
I would like to know if connecting Prom to a Database table which I am going to use as a target for my ETL that concerts raw data to event log. My aim is to use Fuzzy miner against operational data(real time). Is this possible at all?
Appreciate your help and support.



  • Hi AbsAmiri,

    The XESAme toolkit ( provides som basic JDBC components. This toolkit is mainly designed for the purpose of extracting event logs from non-event log data sources. Thus, in what way it supports your goal I am not sure.

    Alternatively an effort has been made to store event logs using a relational data store. I am not completely sure of the status of this particular work, though If you are interested, I can ask the developers about it.

    We are also working on a streaming framework within ProM. It basically allows for handling streaming data in a standardized manner. A first draft of this code was presented at the BPM conference last year ( I recently picked up development of the framework again. It does not yet support any JDBC, though it might be more suitable for the real time analysis you are looking for. I am currently also developing a stream based version of the Inductive Miner.

    In any case I am very interested in helping you further (possibly by using the streaming framework). Maybe we can have a more detailed discussion via email / skype.


    kind regards,




    (Phd. at Wil van der Aalst's AIS group)

  • Thanks Bas. I have sent you a detailed email re my question. 

    Looking forward to your cooperations.



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